FrackQuake Damage in Kansas. Imagine if this was your home that was being ripped apart by earthquakes caused by fracking and injection wells.
Share this video and let everyone know that this must stop.
Use the below link to see an exclusive 10 minute Dimock, PA section of Groundswell Rising. This can happen to your town, if you let it!
Vimeo Link for 10 minute Dimock section:
Our audience was inspired to learn more and to get involved with the fracking issue. For me, that is the highest praise one can bestow on a film. ”
—Jay Tran, Plow to Plate Film Series
GROUNDSWELL RISING needs to be seen and heard even among those of us who are helping to lead the struggle. GROUNDSWELL RISING is an encouragement to all of us. ” —Nathan Sooy, Clean Water Action/PA